Kapil Dev, the former Indian skipper has responded to the comments Yograj Singh, Yuvraj Singh's father made on him at a recent podcast. This has been an ongoing debate on social media with Yograj using the medium to bring disrepute to the former Indian skipper.
In an interview with interview with YouTuber Samdish Bhatia, Yograj Singh made a few shocking revelations, particularly on Kapil Dev. His comments have went viral all over social media.
Yograj stated on Unfiltered by Samdish that his anger stemmed from Kapil's decision to drop him from the Indian team when Kapil was captain. He further revealed that after being dropped from the team, he went to Kapil's house with a pistol willing to kill him.
"When Kapil Dev became captain, he dropped me for no reason," Yograj alleged. "I told him, 'I want to put a bullet through your head, but I am not doing it because your pious mother is standing here.'"
Kapil Dev Gives Strong Response To Yograj Singh's Comments
He added that this incident marked his decision to step away from cricket and focus on his son Yuvraj's future in the sport. Yograj's constant derogatory comments has finally irked a reaction from Kapil Dev. He faced reporters at an event and responded to this incident. In the same event, he spoke about senior Indian cricketers retiring at their own will.
"Kaun hai? Kiski baat kar rahe ho? Kaun hai yeh? (Who is he? Whom are you talking about? Who is he?)" Kapil asked. When the paparazzi clarified it was Yograj Singh, he simply replied, "Acchaa, aur kuch? (Well, anything else?)" before walking into the venue.
This is not the first time Yograj made a verbal attack on India's World Cup-winning skipper. After the 2011 World Cup, he took a dig at Kapil Dev by giving examples of Yuvraj's performance who was named as the Player Of The Tournament.
"In 2011, when India won the World Cup, the only man crying was Kapil Dev. I sent him a paper cutting saying, 'My son did better than you in the World Cup".
Yograj Singh is a former Indian cricketer and actor who played six ODIs for India between 1980-81.