Star Indian batter Virat Kohli will return to playing domestic cricket as Delhi takes on Railways in the Ranji Trophy starting from January 30. His recent poor form in domestic cricket made the management ask him to return to domestic cricket and find some form.
Virat Kohli's name was added to the Delhi probable squad led by Ayush Badoni for the match against Railways. The last time he played a domestic cricket match was against Uttar Pradesh at Ghaziabad's Mohan Nagar in 2012.
The Delhi & Districts Cricket Association (DDCA) has made all possible arrangements for Kohli's return to domestic cricket. It is being seen as a major event and the Indian fans are also expecting him to get back to scoring runs as well. Previously Kohli missed the first game of Delhi with a neck sprain.
"We know Virat's presence raises the profile of the match. Normally, we have 10 to 12 private security personnel for a regular Ranji match, but we will definitely increase security so that Virat can train without any disturbance. We have also informed the Delhi Police about the match" said a DDCA official.
Virat Kohli Available For Delhi vs Railways
While Ranji matches are free for spectators but they usually open one stand but for this match, DDCA will open three stands at the Ambedkar Stadium End.
"Gate Nos. 7, 15, and 16 will be open to the public. We will arrange for drinking water, and the toilets will be clean and hygienic. Come and enjoy the match. Of course, there will be security checks before allowing the public to enter," Sharma added further.
However, there is a bad news that's awaiting the Indian cricket fans on Kohli's return to domestic cricket. As per reports, the Delhi vs Railways match might not be live telecasted or live streamed. There has been no provision to provide the live telecast or live streaming of this match.
"We don't know if BCCI will make any last minute arrangements since Kohli is playing but we haven't been intimated anything about broadcast of this game. Normally all big centres get one live game allotted (TV or streaming). We had a game against Tamil Nadu which was aired live. The roster for broadcast is set months in advance," a DDCA official in the know of things told PTI on conditions of anonymity.
The DDCA official further said that three more matches will be televised as well as live-streamed however, as of now no matches involving Delhi has been given that acknowledgement.