Former Indian captain Saurav Ganguly's biopic is set to begin production, with Luv Ranjan’s Luv Films backing the project. This biopic has been highly anticipated since its announcement, but production faced delays.
Initially, Ranbir Kapoor was approached to portray Ganguly; however, he moved on from the project due to time constraints. After that, Ayushmann Khurrana was signed to take on the role, but he also left before filming began.
The project was announced in 2021, and almost four years have passed with no confirmed lead actor, despite some reports. However, recent updates suggest that Rajkummar Rao, a successful actor from a film that grossed over 1000 crores, is likely to play Saurav Ganguly.
Reports indicate that this role is mostly confirmed, and Rajkummar Rao is already involved in another cricket-themed film, "Mr. and Mrs. Mahi." He is a huge fan of cricket, making this opportunity significant for his career. Nevertheless, we will have to wait for official confirmation from the production side at Luv Ranjan.
Additionally, recent news shows Saurav Ganguly alongside a member of the production team at Eden Gardens during the India vs. England 1st T20I match.
The biopic of Sourav Ganguly, backed by Luv Films, is finally set to begin production after a series of delays. With Rajkummar Rao stepping into the shoes of the former Indian captain, expectations are sky-high for this inspiring journey of one of cricket's most influential figures. Fans can look forward to a gripping portrayal of Ganguly’s rise to prominence, and with Rao’s exceptional talent, this film promises to capture the essence of the cricketing legend’s life and career.